Saturday, December 22, 2007

How You Can Help!

Sixten's Foundation needs your help to bring Conductive Education (CE) into public school systems. This educational curriculum is too effective and important not to be made an option for the tens of thousands of children with cerebral palsy and neuro-muscular disorders who may benefit from it. We are currently very close on launching a pivotal pilot program that will serve as the catalyst for similar programs nationwide. But we can't do it alone.

Through this non-profit organization, we need to secure the instructors, equipment and other support necessary to make Conductive Education successful in public schools. Please help with whatever you can. Your contribution is tax deductible. Simply click on the secure PayPal button above to donate by major credit card, check or through your PayPal account (you do not have to have a PayPal account to use this option). Or, mail you contribution to:

Sixten's Foundation
c/o Robert Kurz and Anna Helm Kurz
PO Box 420
Glenn Dale, MD 20769

If you have any questions, please e-mail us at or call us directly at 240.601.2328

Thank you!

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